Do you need to lighten your cognitive load? 🤔

When it comes to Positive Leadership and being adaptable and emotionally agile, one thing that can really block this for us is cognitive overload. So, in an attempt to practice what I preach, in this shorter blog post, you’ll find my 2 core tips on lightening your load.

  1. Strategic device usage

    Too much screen time or switching between screens can create an ongoing cognitive overload and lead to burnout…. I’m experimenting this month with less mobile device usage in my day and less multi tasking (my mobile phone is firmly out of reach for key parts of my day, and I am being even more mindful about social media). Neuroscience research already shows us that multi tasking is a myth, and single tasking is where we gain more grounded focus and productivity. This links into my next point….

  2. Deeper work time

    For us to really drill into the work that is most directly linked to our meaning and purpose we need to carve out time to do the work. This requires us being really disciplined and realistic about how we use our time across the week. One thing that really supports our brains is blocking 90 minute deep working time in our day - ideally once a day - to tackle our 3 priorities of the week. This catabolic grand design all ties into us building our limberness resilience, so we can adapt and be flexible for the odd curve ball when the moment calls for it.


Did you believe you’d be where you are now 7 years ago?


Glass half full? Or half empty?